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Invisalign Care Tips from a Professional Orthodontist in Orange County

Invisalign Care Tips from a Professional Orthodontist in Orange County

Your dental health and treatment time depends on knowing how to clean your Invisalign retainers.

Maintain your transparency by cleaning your aligners. Their subtlety is one of the main advantages of Invisalign over braces. However, Invisalign retainers can stain if not cleaned regularly.

The staff at Ortho Center OC is here to answer any questions you may have about maintaining your aligners if you are new to Invisalign treatment. We want you to be successful with clear braces. You can discover the best maintenance tips for your aligners below.

Avoid Drinking Hot Beverages

Tip #1: Avoid Drinking Hot Beverages

Avoid drinking hot beverages while wearing Invisalign aligners to keep them in proper shape. These can cause the plastic to warp, which could postpone your orthodontic therapy. Make an appointment with your dentist immediately if you unintentionally subject your aligner to extreme temperatures.

Tip #2: Remove Your Invisalign Before Eating

Before each meal, it is essential to remove the trays; the food and beverages you consume can damage and stain your trays.

Food particles also get stuck in the trays. These specks will transfer to your teeth and gums if they stick to your aligners. These particles end up providing the germs needed to produce plaque.

Tip #3: Rinse Your Retainers Frequently

If you leave those plastic trays in, they may become a haven for bacteria that cause bad breath. To get rid of plaque and other debris, ensure to rinse your aligners every time you take them out. Maintaining your trays clean will help you to have fresh breath and healthier teeth.

Refrain from disinfecting your trays with hot water after cleaning. Use room temperature water.

Tip #4: Brush And Floss Your Teeth

Keep in mind that solid particles can get stuck between teeth. Saliva may only be able to remove these particles when using trays after brushing your teeth first.

It’s crucial to practice appropriate oral hygiene while wearing Invisalign trays. After meals, remember to brush and floss your teeth before replacing the trays. You can maintain your aligners and teeth clean in this way.

Keep Invisalign Trays in Their Case

Tip #5: Keep Invisalign Trays in Their Case

Frequently, patients remove them from their food and beverages while eating and drinking and leave them in their pockets, on their plates, or outside.

Your aligners could suffer significant harm as a result. Even though they are resistant, you don’t want them to maintain their quality. Additionally, leaving your aligners out in the open can encourage the growth of bacteria on your Invisalign.

You will be less likely to lose your Invisalign aligners if you keep them in their case, which will also keep them clean and secure.

Final Thoughts

Maintenance of any orthodontic appliance requires a lot of care and hygiene, and Invisalign trays are one of them. The constant use of these trays, constant cleaning, what you eat, and keeping them in the right place will undoubtedly be determined to get the results you want.

If you are looking for an orthodontist in Orange County, at Ortho Center OC, we have the most qualified orthodontists, providing you with the care and advice you need to get the smile you want. Contact us today!