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What to Expect when Getting Braces

Preparing for braces can seem a little intimidating at first but as long as you are prepared there isn’t anything to be worried of. These following tips will educate you and can help you get ready for when you get your braces.

Prepare yourself mentally         

It’s normal to feel nervous before your orthodontic appointment. The best cure for unsettling nerves is to become educated on the treatment! Do some research of your own regarding what it’s like to get braces as well to reduce any lingering fears. It can also help to read about other people’s experiences with braces and what to expect from a patient’s point of view. Prepare yourself mentally so you go into your appointment knowing what’s going to happen next and what purpose it serves in your braces treatment.

Preparing for soreness and slight discomfort

You will experience a little soreness in your gums when you first get your braces on and its best to prepare so it doesn’t hurt as much. One of the best things to do is to take some Tylenol a couple of minutes before going to your appointment. By the time you get them on it will start taking its role and relieving the discomfort.

Clean your teeth thoroughly before                

In order to have the cement adhere to your teeth correctly, your orthodontist needs a plaque-free surface, so if you want to avoid a professional clean before your application it’s best to gently clean your teeth after your last meal before your appointment to avoid a cleaning during your appointment.

What Can you Expect After your Braces are On?

Trouble eating: For the first couple of days you may experience discomfort when chewing or biting. Its recommended to eat softer foods such as yogurts, jello, bananas and soups to make it easier to eat.

Sore Gums and Teeth: You may feel as if your teeth are being stretched which is normal when tightening the wire taking pain relievers such as Tylenol and applying a cold compress can help reduce pain and discomfort.

Braces Rubbing on Side of Cheeks: When you get braces, the skin inside of your mouth may rub with your brackets. Wax is important to use and helps reduce this friction against them and helps discomfort